Our Vision
The Flint Farmers’ Market will help rebuild our community by becoming the hub for a thriving local fresh food system.
Our Mission
To provide a supportive and profitable place for small farms and businesses, both rural and urban, to earn a secure living. To continue to be a vibrant center of community life that is welcoming to everyone. To remain a recognized leader in providing support and dignified access to healthy food for nutritional assistance recipients.
We’re a year round public market with 50+ vendors inside the building and more outside.
We’re neat and clean and feature several produce vendors, a great meat market, poultry, breads and baked goods, cheese, a wine shop, an art gallery, a cafe, middle-eastern and Mexican groceries, and many unique gifts. You can stop in any Saturday and “Ask the Chefs.”
On the outside from May through October, we have twenty five produce and flower vendors in our pavilion, and on Saturdays we add fifteen to twenty art and craft vendors to that list.
Our market is more than a weekend event. It is a year round feature of Flint’s landscape. We have great local, live music most market days, story tellers and authors and several major events throughout the summer. The farmers’ Nike Zach Orr Jersey market is a place where everyone knows he or she can make a quality purchase, feel comfortable and welcome, and probably meet friends they haven’t seen in a while. So make it a date, spend the day and enjoy the sights, sounds, tastes and the smells of the Flint Farmers’ Market!